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Sacred Counsel is a holistic, alterative style of therapy which heals our connection to our subconscious, bodymind, inner parts, and sexuality along with our relationship with others, nature, culture, and ancestors. It can bring clarity, improve sense of connection, release trauma, reduce self-sabotage, and help address the underlying causes of symptoms such as anxiety and depression.

Instead of asking 'what's wrong with you,' it asks 'what happened to you, how did these wounds occur, and how do we heal the damage?' It allows you to be fully heard, seen, and understood, to go into all the dark, human shadow parts of our nature with empathy and kind encouragement. As a Sacred Counsel Guide, it is my pleasure to walk with you through the unknown and to face whatever we unearth together.

Sacred Counsel Guides go through their own intensive journey of healing and practice this modality daily. We learn by doing so we can fully feel into the processes and not only walk-the-talk but embody and embrace these healing activities. We work with rituals, dreams, embodied alchemy, parts, trauma-consciousness, nervous system healing, ACE's, self-care, felt sense, Hero's/Heroine's journey, triggers and projections, archetypal psychology, boundaries and communication, trauma in the body, fascia, herbalism and more. 

The Six Questions of Sacred Counsel for Individuals
These are starting points and questions to reflect on before we begin and as we move through the process together.

1. What wants to heal?
2. What are you seeking?
3. What wants to emerge or come forward in your life?
4. How do you feel in your body?
5. What might your body be trying to tell you?
6. What might it look like or feel like if you tended your soul?

The Four Questions of Sacred Counsel for Couples/Triads, etc
These are starting points and questions to reflect on before we begin and as we move through the process together for couples, triads, etc.

1. If we consider our relationship as a "third thing" that is alive, what might it want from us? What might it need? What is missing?
2. What wants to heal or needs healing?
3. What new way of being together wants to come forward?
4. What are the main areas where we are seeking guidance?

Depth Connection Gatherings
Depth Connection Gatherings are group Sacred Counsel sessions where participants heal in community. Witnessing and being witnessed with empathy and understanding have immensely positive impacts on our wellbeing and can eradicate shame, bring feelings of belonging, and allow people to know they're not alone in their struggles. We often feel as if we're less than others or that our difficulties are something that no one else experiences. By hearing others' stories and bringing warmth, we can find profound healing and connection and realize we're more alike than we could ever possibly guess. We hold Depth Connection Gatherings several times a month including a monthly Religious Trauma focused gathering. 

To learn more, please check out my informed consent. I look forward to working with you!

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