
BeHeld Yoga Informed Consent
These are the details of what you can expect from me as your guide and what I’ll expect from you as my client.
BeHeld: To be both dearly held and deeply seen.
What is Yoga:
Yoga is made up of eight limbs or paths to well-being and wholeness. What we think of yoga is actually one single limb of this practice. The limbs include the yamas (ethical standards), niyamas (self-discipline and inner noticing), asana (the physical part that includes various postures), pranayama (breathwork), pratyahara (taking away the senses to sink in deeper to the self), dharana (focusing the mind on something specific), dhyana (focusing on nothing, continuous flow of perception), and samadhi (a state of oneness with all). ​
Things to Know:
My style of yoga is trauma-conscious and centers you as the expert on your own body. While I’ll guide the entire class, you are always welcome to modify, take a rest, or go entirely off-script. This is a gentle approach that may feel foreign to anyone who has gone to strict or less trauma-informed classes. My classes are beginner friendly, and no experience is necessary. I celebrate anyone who listens to their body to rest, modify, or use props. As my yin yoga teacher says, props are an intelligent way into a shape and not an easy way out.
Please let me know if you’re sensitive to certain sounds or smells. I usually have a candle lit which may have fragrance. I try to stick to more natural based ones. I may also play a singing bowl or a drum at the end. I’ve noticed some are sensitive to this, so I don’t always add these sounds.
Yoga can release emotions. This doesn’t always happen, but due to the mind-body connection, certain shapes could bring trapped emotions to the surface. If this happens, it’s entirely natural. Feel free to let the emotions out or take a breather in my office or wherever else suits you.
Class size averages around half a dozen to a dozen people. We tend to have mostly beginners and a huge range of body shapes, ages, ethnicities, and gender identities.
You only need to bring yourself to class. If you have a yoga mat, you can bring that. Otherwise, I have extra mats, blocks, round cushions, yoga blankets, big bolsters, straps, and wedges. I also provide water.
Unless I think you'll harm yourself or others, everything is confidential. To protect that confidentiality, if I run into you out in the wild, I'll follow your lead. If you don't engage, I'll move along as if we don't know each other. If you come up and say hi, I'll be happy to say hi back and won't declare how I know you to anyone you may be with unless you bring it up first.
While I will do everything in my power to provide a safe enough space, you are responsible for your body. It can be a good idea to check with a doctor to see if yoga is right for you. Injury is possible, especially if you are hyper-mobile. Please make sure to never push yourself into pain. I applaud those who back off rather than those who push too hard. By agreeing to this form, you accept all liability for your body, mental health, and your belongings.
You also agree that if you ingest any substances, you take on all responsibility for any effects you may experience. This includes if you decide to drive afterward. You also understand that any discussion on substances is merely for educational and harm reduction purposes only.
Sessions last 1 hour and are on a sliding scale of $8-$12. I take payment via this site, Venmo (@keerajoel), CashApp (@keerajoel), Paypal (hello@keerajoel.com), checks written out to BeHeld, or preferably cash at the time of the session.
You can book online at keerajoel.com/book-online. You’ll receive a confirmation email as well as a reminder email the day before.
If you need to cancel, please do so on the website. There is no penalty for canceling.
For communication, please reach out to me via text (218.409.6010) or email (hello@keerajoel.com).
My office is at 902 E 1st St, Duluth, MN 55805 in the Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum on the first level. Please use the left most side door off 9th ave, the one closest to 1st St, and come to the big room with black and beige tile.
There is metered parking from 8:00-5:30 on the street, and there may be a spot or two of unpaved, free parking directly behind the building above the alley. After 5:00 PM, the front row of the Gitchi Gammi Club tends to be open and free if no special events are going on.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I look forward to working with you!